thigh lift

Thigh Lift Surgery: Who Stands to Gain?

Anyone troubled by excess skin after substantial weight loss or due to natural aging may find a thigh lift beneficial. It’s an excellent solution for those looking to address sagging skin that can cause discomfort or aesthetic concerns. Dr. Rao also offers alternative treatments for patients whose primary issue may be cellulite.

Exploring the Benefits of Thigh Lift Surgery

Attaining your ideal weight is an incredible milestone. Yet, for many, the journey isn’t complete without addressing excess skin that often persists, especially around the thighs. Dr. Arun Rao, a board-certified plastic surgeon at Rao Plastic Surgery, is adept at performing thigh lift procedures, also known as thighplasty. This surgery is the finishing touch for those who wish to have their outer appearance reflect their inner achievements. A thigh lift has gained favor for its ability to provide patients with a smoother, more contoured thigh area without the burden of extra skin.

The Thigh Lift Experience

Performed under general anesthesia, a thigh lift starts with a carefully placed incision for optimal discretion and minimal scarring. The procedure may include the removal of excess fat and skin, tailored to each patient’s unique physique, to sculpt a firmer, smoother leg contour.

Patient Experiences

The expertise and warmth of Dr. Rao and his team have consistently earned rave reviews. Praised for their professionalism and dedication, they ensure that each patient’s experience is second to none, which is reflected in the high number of personal referrals and outstanding online feedback.

Post-Surgical Recovery and Care

Healing from a thigh lift can take up to six weeks,, with personalized care instructions provided by Dr. Rao to facilitate smooth healing and improve scar appearance. Adhering to these guidelines can help maintain the aesthetic benefits of the surgery and enhance self-confidence.

patient reviews

Commonly Asked Questions About Thigh Lift


An individualized treatment plan will be developed during your consultation, which will include a comprehensive cost assessment.

Appearance Improvements

The surgery aims to enhance the thigh's contour and can also diminish the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks, with techniques customized to your specific aspirations.

Durability of Outcomes

The longevity of surgery results can be significant, especially when paired with a healthy lifestyle. Dr. Rao can offer strategies to help preserve your results.

Combining Surgeries

Thigh lifts can often be integrated with other body contouring procedures for a more extensive transformation.

Non-Invasive Options

For those curious about non-surgical treatments, Dr. Rao can provide insights into alternative modalities, though they typically yield subtler results compared to thighplasty.

Scheduling Your Consultation

For those considering a thigh lift, Dr. Arun Rao extends an invitation to explore how this procedure could benefit you. Offering personalized consultations at Rao Plastic Surgery in Tucson, AZ, Dr. Rao is ready to help you achieve the firm, toned thighs that reflect your body’s transformation. Book your appointment today for a personalized approach to your body contouring needs.
If you want a call to schedule a time - call us now at 520-900-1277 or schedule your appointment below