neck lift

Reclaim Your Confidence with Neck Lift Surgery at Rao Plastic Surgery

Are you constantly concealing loose, saggy neck skin with turtlenecks and scarves, even in the summer? Dr. Arun Rao, a board-certified plastic surgeon in Tucson, AZ, specializes in neck lift surgery to rejuvenate the appearance of aging necks. This cosmetic procedure focuses on enhancing the area beneath the chin and the entire neck, addressing concerns like the dreaded “double chin” or “turkey neck.” By removing excess tissue and fat while employing tightening techniques, neck lift surgery at Rao Plastic Surgery can create remarkable improvements to your profile. Before scheduling your initial consultation, take a moment to explore the transformative benefits of neck lift surgery.

Who Is a Suitable Candidate for a Neck Lift?

Patients in Tucson, AZ, seeking neck lift surgery often struggle with visibly sagging and loose neck skin. Loose neck skin can make you appear older or more fatigued, but, in most cases, these cosmetic concerns can be effectively addressed with skin removal and tightening.If you are in good physical health and at a healthy weight but feel self-conscious about excess skin, wrinkles, and lines beneath your chin and on your neck, neck lift surgery could be an excellent option to achieve the look you desire.
Excess skin can result from various factors, both within and beyond our control, including:
Weight loss
Skin elasticity
Sun damage

The Benefits of a Neck Lift

While some nonsurgical treatments offer minimal improvements to the neck, they often pale in comparison to the effectiveness of surgery. A neck lift delivers dramatic and long-lasting results while addressing multiple cosmetic issues simultaneously. Dr. Rao can customize your surgery to achieve your specific aesthetic goals.

A neck lift can:

Tighten loose or sagging neck and jawline skin

Remove excess fat from the neck and chin area

Create a more defined jawline

Improve the appearance of neck wrinkles and folds

Produce a smoother and more youthful neckline

Furthermore, a neck lift can be combined with other cosmetic procedures for comprehensive rejuvenation results.

Recovery After a Neck Lift

Following your neck lift procedure, you may experience mild swelling and bruising, but these side effects will gradually subside. To ensure a safe recovery, it is recommended that you rest and avoid exercise or strenuous activities for a couple of weeks. It’s advisable to avoid wearing tight clothing near the neck during this period. You will likely notice visible aesthetic improvements almost immediately. Many of Dr. Rao’s patients have reported that neck lift surgery produces some of the most stunning enhancements to their overall appearance.

What to Expect During Neck Lift Surgery

A neck lift procedure typically involves the use of general anesthesia. Incisions are strategically placed around your ears, with an additional incision located beneath your chin. If there are localized fat deposits, liposuction may be performed initially. Following this, any sagging or loose skin is meticulously removed, and the underlying tissue and remaining skin are tightened. This process continues until the desired shape and contour are achieved. Although sutures are used, the incisions are strategically positioned beneath your chin, ensuring that scars are inconspicuous.

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Commonly Asked Questions About Neck Lift

How much does a neck lift cost?

The cost of a neck lift can be discussed during your consultation with Dr. Rao. After he creates your personalized treatment plan, including facility, anesthesia, and miscellaneous fees, he can provide a cost estimate. At Rao Plastic Surgery in Tucson, AZ, we offer various payment options, including low-interest financing, to make neck lift surgery affordable.

What about nonsurgical options?

Surgery remains the most effective option for removing loose skin, especially when it sags or droops. While several nonsurgical skin tightening treatments can produce mild to moderate improvements, surgery offers the most significant transformations in terms of smoothing and redefining neck contours. Kybella, a popular treatment, reduces fat in the area under the chin, but does not address or improve loose skin.

Will I have visible scars?

Dr. Rao takes great care to place incisions strategically beneath your chin and near your ears to minimize visible scarring. You will receive scar care instructions to help incisions heal properly, resulting in thin, flat scars that are inconspicuous.

Can I combine a neck lift with other facial surgeries?

During your consultation, you can discuss the possibility of combining a neck lift with other procedures such as a facelift. Combining these procedures is common and can help you achieve your desired results. If you have concerns about a weak chin or undefined jawline, Dr. Rao can create a comprehensive treatment plan addressing these issues.

Should I get a neck lift or liposuction?

The choice between a neck lift, liposuction, or a combination of both depends on your specific needs and goals. Dr. Rao will assess your unique case during your consultation and recommend the most suitable approach to achieve your desired outcome. Bid farewell to your unattractive "turkey neck" profile and embrace a tighter, smoother neck that exudes confidence. If you're tired of feeling self-conscious about loose skin and wrinkles in this visible area of your body, please contact Rao Plastic Surgery to learn more about this effective surgery and determine your candidacy. Dr. Rao's neck lift surgery has restored the confidence and appearance of numerous individuals in Tucson, AZ, and beyond. We look forward to introducing you to this remarkable cosmetic procedure." a weak chin or undefined jawline, Dr. Rao can create a comprehensive treatment plan addressing these issues.

Get A Softer Neckline

Say farewell to the bothersome ‘turkey neck’ and embrace the tighter, smoother neck you desire. If loose skin and wrinkles in this visible area make you self-conscious, reach out to Rao Plastic & Hand Surgery to explore more about this transformative surgery and your eligibility for it. Dr. Rao’s expertise in cosmetic neck lift surgery has enhanced the confidence and appearance of numerous individuals in Tucson, AZ, and beyond. We’re excited to introduce you to this exceptional cosmetic procedure.
If you want a call to schedule a time - call us now at 520-900-1277 or schedule your appointment below