neck liposuction

Rediscover Confidence with Neck Liposuction at Rao Plastic & Hand Surgery

A double chin, often mistakenly associated with weight, is actually the result of excess fat in the neck area. Our neck liposuction procedure at Rao Plastic Surgery is designed to eliminate this unwanted fat, reducing the appearance of jowls and the double chin. Neck liposuction not only results in a more defined neck and jawline but also provides a smoother look by tightening muscles and manipulating soft tissue. This versatile procedure can address both small fat deposits and larger, denser areas, making it an excellent choice for individuals seeking a slimmer neck profile and lasting results.

Ideal Candidates for Neck Liposuction

The best candidates for neck liposuction at Rao Plastic Surgery are women and men in Tucson, AZ, who wish to eliminate excess fat beneath their jawline to achieve a smoother, more youthful appearance. This procedure is suitable for both small and large fat deposits, providing noticeable improvements.

Patients who maintain a healthy lifestyle with a proper diet and exercise routine can enjoy long-lasting results. If you also have excess or sagging skin under your jawline, Dr. Rao may recommend a neck lift in combination with neck liposuction.

What Are The Benefits Of Neck Liposuction?

Often associated with self-consciousness, a double chin or submental fullness can persist despite maintaining a healthy weight, making it challenging to eliminate through diet and exercise alone. Neck liposuction offers a more effective solution to refine your neckline. At Rao Plastic Surgery, excess fat is skillfully removed from beneath the chin and jawline to sculpt a well-defined appearance. Depending on your specific needs, Dr. Rao might suggest complementing liposuction with a neck lift for more comprehensive and impactful outcomes, offering a transformative and dramatic enhancement.

The Neck Liposuction Procedure

Dr. Rao utilizes a cannula to remove excess fat during neck liposuction, creating minimal incisions beneath the chin. In some cases, he may employ the “superwet” tumescent technique, which involves injecting a numbing solution combined with another substance into the treatment area to minimize bleeding. The incisions are then carefully sutured together with small stitches. While neck liposuction can be performed as a standalone procedure, many patients choose to combine it with other treatments such as skin tightening to achieve their desired outcome.   Neck liposuction surgery at Rao Plastic Surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia as an outpatient procedure and can be completed in a relatively short timeframe. Some patients may need to wear compression garments after surgery to help control swelling. Downtime can vary, especially if other surgeries were performed in conjunction with neck liposuction. Optimal results can be seen within the first few months after the surgery, and patients may be advised to avoid putting pressure on the treatment area for at least the first few days. Due to the small incision size, scarring is usually minimal and easily concealed.

What To Expect During Neck Liposuction

During neck liposuction, Dr. Rao utilizes a cannula to extract excess fat through a small incision placed below the chin. In certain cases, he may opt for the ‘superwet’ tumescent technique, which involves the injection of a numbing solution combined with other substances to reduce bleeding in the treatment area. The incision is meticulously closed using small sutures. While neck liposuction is effective as a standalone procedure, many patients opt for combining it with complementary treatments, like skin tightening, to achieve their desired aesthetic outcome.

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Commonly Asked Questions About Neck Liposuction

How much does neck liposuction cost?

The cost of neck liposuction depends on several factors, including the amount of fat removal required to achieve your desired results. Dr. Rao will create a personalized treatment plan during your consultation, and he can provide cost estimates at that time. We offer various payment methods at Rao Plastic Surgery, and we can provide information on low-interest financing options to make neck liposuction more affordable.

Will I have visible scarring?

Dr. Rao takes care to place incisions strategically, ensuring that they can be easily concealed or are less visible. During your consultation, he will show you where these incisions will be made to produce the best results. Incisions are typically made in the natural folds of your skin or just below your jawline, making them difficult to see. Dr. Rao and his team will provide instructions for scar care management to ensure that your incisions heal flat and blend seamlessly with your normal skin.

Does the fat come back after neck liposuction?

Neck liposuction removes fat cells from the neck area. Once these cells are removed, they cannot regrow. However, if you gain a significant amount of weight after liposuction, the remaining fat cells can expand, leading to an increase in neck size. To maintain your results, Dr. Rao recommends being at a healthy weight before undergoing neck liposuction, which can be easier to maintain with regular exercise and a healthy diet.

What is the difference between neck liposuction and Kybella injections?

Kybella is a minimally invasive treatment that targets small to moderate amounts of fat in the submental (under the chin) area. This can be effective if you have upper neck fat creating the appearance of a double chin. However, for larger fat removal from multiple areas, neck liposuction is a more suitable option. During your consultation, Dr. Rao will listen to your goals and discuss your options, including Kybella and liposuction.

Should I get a neck lift or liposuction?

Dr. Rao will assess your needs and goals during your consultation and help you determine whether you require a neck lift, neck liposuction, or a combination of both. In general, a neck lift addresses excess skin, while neck liposuction targets fat. Combining these procedures can yield beautiful results, creating a smooth and even neckline. Discuss your goals with Dr. Rao during your consultation to create a customized treatment plan.

Experience the Confidence-Boosting Benefits of Neck Liposuction

Neck liposuction is an effective method for eliminating stubborn neck fat, defining your slender neckline, and ridding yourself of an unwanted double chin. At Rao Plastic Surgery, we are dedicated to helping our Tucson, AZ patients regain confidence in their appearance by providing high-quality cosmetic procedures. Dr. Rao is committed to personalizing every aspect of your treatment and experience at our office. To learn more about neck liposuction or schedule your consultation, please contact Rao Plastic Surgery today.
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