dysport® and xeomin®

Discover Renewed Confidence with Dysport and Xeomin at Rao Plastic Surgery

At Rao Plastic Surgery in Tucson, AZ, Dr. Arun Rao, a board-certified plastic surgeon, offers a range of nonsurgical options for skin rejuvenation. Among these options are Dysport and Xeomin, two injectable wrinkle treatments that function similarly to BOTOX, effectively reducing and softening dynamic lines and wrinkles across the face. Dynamic wrinkles result from repeated facial movements and expressions, such as laughing, smiling, and frowning, which gradually lead to the tightening of facial muscles. Over time, these repeated contractions cause the overlying skin to form visible grooved lines, even when your face is at rest. Dysport, in particular, was specifically developed to target vertical lines between the eyebrows, commonly referred to as frown lines. On the other hand, Xeomin is equally effective in addressing wrinkles throughout the entire face. Both treatments temporarily interrupt signals to the muscles, resulting in smoother facial lines and delivering natural-looking results that do not appear frozen. To achieve a more youthful appearance and learn more about Dysport and Xeomin injectable treatments, turn to Rao Plastic Surgery.

Who Is an Ideal Candidate for Dysport and Xeomin?

Dysport and Xeomin are ideal for individuals seeking a nonsurgical solution to address moderate to severe vertical frown lines (glabellar lines) between the eyebrows. Dynamic wrinkles and lines can develop at any age due to the chronic use of facial expressions, causing individuals to appear upset, fatigued, or unhappy. Dysport and Xeomin are fast-acting, effective treatments that target dynamic wrinkles without causing an unnatural “frozen” appearance. Since both Dysport and Xeomin disperse to address a cluster of wrinkles, they are also suitable for improving Crow’s feet, fine lines located at the outer corners of the eyes. Most patients at Rao Plastic Surgery observe visible improvements in their appearance within just a few days following their procedure. These results often last for approximately four months or longer, depending on the individual.

Benefits of Dysport and Xeomin

When over-the-counter creams and anti-aging products fail to deliver the desired results, Dysport and Xeomin offer significant advantages without requiring extended downtime. Both treatments yield natural-looking results while effectively softening unwanted lines and wrinkles. The procedures are quick and convenient, with minimal to no recovery time needed. Dr. Rao is highly skilled in administering these treatments, ensuring you achieve optimal results while minimizing the potential for side effects. We employ the latest techniques to enhance your comfort and safety throughout the procedure.

Recovery After Dysport and Xeomin

After receiving Dysport or Xeomin injections, you may experience mild swelling and or bruising in and around the injection sites, though these symptoms typically subside within a few days. It is advisable to sleep with your head elevated on the first night and continue using a cold compress as needed. Results typically become noticeable within a few days, as the severity of dynamic wrinkles diminishes, resulting in a smoother, more youthful appearance. These outcomes typically last for approximately 3 to 4 months, depending on the product utilized. To maintain your rejuvenated appearance, you can schedule future treatments at our Tucson, AZ office.

What To Expect During Dysport And Xeomin Injections

Dysport and Xeomin injections are administered within one of our private treatment rooms following your consultation with Dr. Rao. The treatment typically takes between 15 and 30 minutes. As the injections are administered using fine-gauge needles that cause minimal discomfort, numbing cream or local anesthesia is generally unnecessary. However, if you have concerns about discomfort, you may request a topical anesthetic to maximize your comfort during the session. The procedure begins with a thorough cleansing of your skin, followed by carefully placed injections in the targeted areas. A cold compress is applied to minimize swelling and bruising. Following your injections at Rao Plastic & Hand Surgery, you can return to your daily activities, although it is recommended to avoid strenuous physical activities for at least one day.

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Commonly Asked Questions about Dysport and Xeomin

How much do Dysport and Xeomin cost?

Similar to Botox the total cost of Dysport and Xeomin treatments depends on the quantity of product required to achieve your specific goals. During your initial consultation, your injector will create a personalized treatment plan with Dysport or Xeomin and provide you with a cost estimate. Feel free to inquire about our current injectable treatment specials at Rao Plastic Surgery, as well as the various payment methods we accept.

What distinguishes Dysport, Xeomin, and BOTOX?

Dysport, Xeomin, and BOTOX are all cosmetic injections designed to address dynamic facial wrinkles. Dysport typically yields results more quickly than BOTOX. Additionally, Dysport and Xeomin results often last longer than those of BOTOX, and the products have a superior spread. During your initial consultation, your injector will help you determine whether Dysport or another wrinkle relaxer is the best choice for your treatment.

Should I choose a wrinkle relaxer or a wrinkle filler treatment?

Many individuals are unsure about the difference between injectable wrinkle relaxers (such as BOTOX, Dysport, and Xeomin) and fillers (such as Juvéderm). In simple terms, wrinkle relaxers target dynamic wrinkles, while fillers correct static wrinkles. Dynamic wrinkles arise from repetitive facial movements, including smiling, laughing, frowning, and other expressions. Dysport and Xeomin relax the muscles beneath the skin to create a smoother appearance. Static wrinkles, on the other hand, form due to a loss of skin elasticity, so fillers are injected into the skin to achieve an even look. During your initial consultation, Dr. Rao will listen to your concerns and goals, assisting you in determining whether a wrinkle relaxer, filler, or a combination of both will yield the best results.

Can Dysport or Xeomin be combined with other treatments?

At Rao Plastic Surgery, we offer a variety of aesthetic treatments that can enhance the results of your injections. Depending on your areas of concern and goals, your personalized treatment plan may include Dysport or Xeomin injections for dynamic wrinkles, fillers to address static wrinkles or add volume to your lips and cheeks, and laser skin treatments. Be open about your preferences during your initial consultation, allowing us to create a treatment plan that achieves the outcome you desire.

How often should I receive Dysport or Xeomin injections?

Dr. Rao will recommend the ideal frequency for your Dysport or Xeomin injections during your consultation. This will depend on your unique needs and goals. After experiencing the effects of Dysport and Xeomin on your wrinkles, you can determine the best timing for your follow-up appointments.

Rediscover Confidence with Dysport and Xeomin

If you are seeking a nonsurgical solution to rejuvenate your skin by addressing the frown lines between your brows, Dysport and Xeomin injectable wrinkle relaxers are excellent options. To learn more about Dysport and other procedures, we invite you to schedule a consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Arun Rao. He will create a personalized treatment plan that aligns with your goals. Contact Rao Plastic & Hand Surgery in Tucson, AZ, to learn more and schedule your one-on-one appointment.
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