
Rediscover Your Radiance with Sculptra at Rao Plastic Surgery

The natural aging process often results in a loss of facial volume, leaving the cheeks appearing flat and hollow. Dr. Arun Rao, our board-certified plastic surgeon, offers a solution to combat this effect with Sculptra Aesthetic. This dermal filler is based on poly-L-lactic acid, designed to create fuller and longer-lasting volume in the mid-face region. Beyond volumizing the cheeks, Sculptra is also effective at reducing the appearance of shallow to deep lines and wrinkles, including the nasolabial folds, commonly known as smile or laugh lines, extending from the edges of the nose to the corners of the mouth. Sculptra’s unique formula, approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), stimulates the natural production of collagen in your body. This means that, even after completing your treatments, your skin will continue to remain healthier and more robust compared to its previous state. We invite you to schedule an appointment for a consultation at Rao Plastic Surgery in Tucson, AZ, to explore the numerous benefits of this injectable dermal filler.

Who Is A Candidate For Sculptra?

Sculptra proves beneficial for patients seeking enhanced cheek contour without resorting to implants or surgical procedures. It caters to individuals with naturally hollow cheeks or those experiencing age-related deflation in previously full cheeks. Furthermore, Sculptra injections effectively target various facial lines and wrinkles, spanning from shallow to deep, including the nasolabial folds, chin wrinkles, and marionette lines. By stimulating the body’s collagen production, Sculptra not only improves facial features but also enhances the skin’s overall appearance and health, noticeable in many patients.

What Are The Benefits Of Sculptra?

Sculptra Aesthetic stands out as a safe, effective, and enduring dermal filler known for adding facial volume while reducing the visibility of wrinkles and lines. Its distinctive formula not only replenishes volume but also triggers collagen production, fostering long-term skin health beyond the treatment period. Compared to invasive procedures or plastic surgery, Sculptra delivers natural-looking results. Dr. Rao recognizes the significance of subtle yet distinctive outcomes that preserve each patient’s unique features.

How Long Is Recovery After Sculptra Injections?

Following your appointment, you might experience mild to moderate redness, swelling, tenderness, or bruising at the injection sites, which typically resolve within several days. Employing cold packs on these areas can aid in the healing process. It’s advisable to minimize UV exposure and utilize sun protection post-treatment. Many patients notice immediate enhancements post-Scupltra treatment, with the ultimate results becoming more apparent over a few months as collagen production naturally fortifies the skin. When administered as a series of injections over 3 to 4 months, the results of a patient’s treatment can last up to two years.

What To Expect During Sculptra Injections

Following a personalized consultation to devise your tailored treatment strategy, you’ll undergo your Sculptra injections in one of our procedure rooms. Your injector might administer numbing cream or local anesthetic before sterilizing and marking the designated injection sites. Once prepared, the filler is injected into the deeper skin layers at the targeted facial areas. For optimal outcomes, Dr. Arun Rao typically conducts a series of four Sculptra injections, each spaced approximately three weeks apart, at Rao Plastic & Hand Surgery.

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Commonly Asked Questions About Sculptra

How much does Sculptra cost?

The cost of dermal fillers such as Sculptra varies based on the quantity required to attain your desired results. Certain patients might require multiple treatments to reach their ideal outcome. Your injector will discuss your objectives during the initial consultation and design a treatment plan tailored to your specific budget.

How does Sculptra work?

Poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), the primary component in Sculptra, acts as a collagen stimulator. It aids in replenishing the skin's strength and volume gradually by promoting the generation of collagen. This surplus collagen effectively diminishes lines, wrinkles, and folds by providing effective plumping action.

Are Sculptra injections safe?

Sculptra, approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and widely used globally since 1999, has demonstrated safety in its usage. Generally, side effects are mild and temporary, encompassing slight pain, bruising, redness, and swelling. Occasionally, pressure on the treated area may lead to a bump. If any concerns arise regarding unusual or prolonged side effects, don't hesitate to contact our office for assistance.

What is the best age to receive Sculptra?

Opting for a dermal filler such as Sculptra can effectively enhance the look of lines and wrinkles. It's commonly employed to address chin wrinkles, lines around the mouth, and deeper folds like the nasolabial folds. Typically, individuals consider Sculptra treatment from their early 30s to late 50s, yet it remains a safe option for most men and women aged 18 and above.

How long do results last?

Achieving longer-lasting outcomes may necessitate multiple Sculptra treatments for some patients. In contrast to various dermal fillers, Sculptra offers extended duration, typically maintaining results for up to two years. Given that collagen production continues post-Sculptra injections, noticeable results might require some time to fully manifest.

Sculpt A Youthful Face

Revitalize your skin’s youthful volume and texture through non-invasive Sculptra Aesthetic treatments available at Rao Plastic & Hand Surgery in Tucson, AZ. Under the guidance of board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Arun Rao, discover if Sculptra aligns with your specific concerns and requirements. Reach out to our office to arrange your personalized consultation for Sculptra Aesthetic or explore our range of cosmetic services.
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