breast revision

what is breast revision surgery?

Breast augmentation stands as one of the most sought-after cosmetic procedures nationwide, typically yielding impressive results. However, there are instances where patients may seek revision breast surgery due to issues like breast tissue sagging, capsular contracture, implant rupture, or a desire to alter the implant size. Breast revision surgery, offered by board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Arun Rao at Rao Plastic Surgery in Tucson, AZ, aims to address such concerns and achieve the desired outcome. Whether Dr. Rao was the original surgeon or not, individuals with questions or concerns about their augmented breasts are encouraged to contact our office for a personalized one-on-one consultation. Dr. Rao will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the breasts and assist in determining the most suitable course of action.

who is a candidate for breast revision?

If you encounter any issues, whether they are medical or aesthetic, related to your breast implants, please arrange a consultation with Dr. Rao. During this appointment, you can discuss your concerns, goals, and develop a personalized treatment plan for breast revision surgery. Whether your worries involve scarring, drooping, sagging, rippling, or asymmetry, revision surgery is designed to address these issues and achieve a beautiful and healthy outcome. Additionally, if you are seeking changes in the size, shape, or profile of your breasts, revision surgery can also assist in achieving your desired results. Dr. Rao is dedicated to providing tailored solutions for each patient’s unique concerns, even if he wasn’t the original surgeon.
Enhanced Breast Through Breast Revision

what are the benefits of getting a breast revision?

Dr. Rao encourages patients to contemplate breast revision surgery if they desire:

  • Additional volume or curves to address unsatisfactory areas
  • Breast reconstruction after a mastectomy
  • Correction or revision of complications from prior surgeries
  • Enhanced confidence and enjoyment through a personalized breast revision

what are some common reasons for breast revision?

Breast revision surgery addresses various concerns, including sagging (bottoming out), adjusting implant size, correcting scar tissue hardening (capsular contracture), removing implants, addressing rippling, managing implant rupture, and correcting communication between implant pockets (symmastia). The procedure aims to achieve desired aesthetic outcomes and resolve issues from prior breast augmentation.

what results can i expect from breast revision?

Following your revision surgery and a monitored recovery period, you will be discharged to continue recuperating at home. The downtime associated with revision surgery can vary, contingent on the intricacy of the procedure. Revision surgeries involving complex techniques may necessitate an extended recovery period, potentially lasting several months. As the swelling subsides, you should start noticing the results of your breast revision. Dr. Rao will provide insights into the expected postoperative changes and offer recommendations to facilitate a prompt recovery. It’s crucial to adhere to your scheduled follow-up appointments, allowing Dr. Rao to evaluate your progress and the outcomes of the revision surgery.

patient reviews

Commonly Asked Questions About breast revision

How much does breast revision surgery cost?

The expense of breast revision surgery varies based on individual needs and the complexity of the procedure. During your consultation, Dr. Rao will carefully consider your concerns, conduct a thorough examination of your implants, and discuss potential options. The overall cost is influenced by factors such as the complexity of the surgery and the choice of new implants. Prioritizing an experienced plastic surgeon who can deliver desired results is more crucial than focusing solely on cost. Rao Plastic & Hand Surgery offers various payment options, and assistance with low-interest financing is available to ensure you achieve your aesthetic goals.

What if Dr. Rao wasn't my original surgeon?

Even if Dr. Rao didn't perform your initial breast augmentation, he is fully capable of conducting your revision surgery. Breast revision procedures, especially for significant changes or addressing issues, may involve greater complexity compared to the original augmentation. Therefore, selecting an experienced and board-certified plastic surgeon, such as Dr. Rao, with extensive training in breast surgery and cosmetic revisions is crucial. Dr. Rao encourages patients, whether they initially underwent surgery with him or not, to return to Rao Plastic & Hand Surgery for revision surgery if they encounter issues or seek alterations.

What about loose skin?

In cases where you're opting for implant removal or a considerable reduction in size, there might be a need to address excess skin during the procedure. Dr. Rao will carefully listen to your objectives and evaluate your existing implants to determine if a breast lift is necessary to eliminate loose skin. This additional step may be recommended if you've experienced significant weight loss, undergone pregnancy, or engaged in breastfeeding following your initial augmentation surgery, as it can enhance the overall results of the revision.

Will there be new scars?

Whenever feasible, Dr. Rao aims to utilize the original augmentation incisions for revision surgery. If this isn't viable, he strategically places new incisions in less conspicuous locations to minimize visibility. The resulting scars from breast revision surgery are influenced by the specific procedures required to achieve your desired aesthetic outcomes. Dr. Rao provides detailed instructions for post-operative scar care to ensure optimal healing, allowing the incisions to blend seamlessly into your skin.

Do I have to change my implants?

Although breast implants can have a long lifespan, periodic evaluations are crucial to determine if replacement is necessary. Dr. Rao recommends regular check-ups after augmentation surgery to assess the condition of your implants and collaboratively decide when replacement is advisable. Given the continuous advancements in medical technology, exploring the latest implant shapes and types during breast revision surgery can help you achieve an enhanced and aesthetically pleasing outcome.

improve your breast appearance

If you observe any noticeable issues with your breast implants or seek a new and improved aesthetic, we invite you to contact our Tucson, AZ office and arrange a personalized consultation at Rao Plastic & Hand Surgery. Dr. Arun Rao, a board-certified plastic surgeon, will conduct a thorough physical evaluation, formulate a customized revision treatment plan, and assist you in attaining the results you aspire to, addressing any concerns from your initial augmentation.
If you want a call to schedule a time - call us now at 520-900-1277 or schedule your appointment below