
Discover CoolSculpting at Rao Plastic Surgery

CoolSculpting is a revolutionary fat removal treatment designed to sculpt and reshape your body by freezing away stubborn fat cells. Without the need for surgery, needles, or anesthesia, this cutting-edge procedure selectively targets and freezes unwanted fat, resulting in a smoother, contoured silhouette. CoolSculpting employs regulated cooling, known as cryolipolysis, to freeze fat cells, leading to their natural elimination from your body over several weeks. At Rao Plastic Surgery in Tucson, AZ, guided by board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Arun Rao, we offer state-of-the-art CoolSculpting to help you achieve your aesthetic goals. Schedule a consultation to learn more about cryolipolysis and determine if this treatment is right for you.

Who Is a Suitable Candidate for CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is a sought-after solution for both women and men seeking assistance with stubborn areas that persist despite diet and exercise. The system includes specialized applicators designed to fit various body parts. Common treatment areas encompass:

  • Abdomen
  • Flanks or “love handles”
  • Inner and outer thighs
  • Back or “bra bulge”
  • Double chin

Although CoolSculpting has shown effectiveness across different ages and genders, it’s most beneficial for individuals who:

  • Are approximately 30 pounds from their target weight
  • Struggle with persistent fat resistant to traditional weight loss methods
  • Prefer non-invasive procedures or aren’t ideal candidates for invasive treatments
  • Have realistic expectations about the treatment’s outcomes

The Advantages of CoolSculpting

While some individuals resort to liposuction or other procedures to eliminate pockets of unwanted fat, these options are not always ideal. Surgery comes with potential risks and downtime, making CoolSculpting an increasingly popular alternative. This non-invasive treatment offers numerous benefits, including:

No surgery or needles required

Convenient in-office treatment

Anesthesia is unnecessary

Safe and effective

Minimal downtime

How Long Is Recovery After CoolSculpting

Since CoolSculpting is non-invasive, you can anticipate returning to your regular activities following treatment. Most patients can resume work or school immediately after a CoolSculpting session. Side effects of the procedure typically include temporary swelling, bruising, stinging, redness, and discomfort at the treated site, which usually subside within a week. You may begin noticing results in as little as three weeks, with the most noticeable and significant improvements occurring approximately one to three months after completing your CoolSculpting treatments.

Understanding the CoolSculpting Procedure

Developed by Harvard-based physicians, CoolSculpting employs a patented technology called cryolipolysis to selectively freeze and destroy fat cells. Fat cells are more susceptible to cold than other tissues, allowing this technique to target only the specific fat cells, leaving muscle and skin unaffected. After your consultation with Dr. Rao to schedule your CoolSculpting treatments, your procedure will be carefully planned. During your session, an applicator and gel pad will be applied to the skin, initiating controlled cooling to freeze fat cells. The device uses suction to stabilize the treatment area, which you will feel during the procedure. Cooling continues for approximately 35 minutes, during which you are free to read, watch TV, or simply relax while the technology targets your undesired areas.

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Commonly Asked Questions About A Coolsculpting

How much does CoolSculpting cost?

The total cost of your CoolSculpting treatment will depend on the number of sessions required and the amount of fat you wish to eliminate. During your consultation, we will discuss your cosmetic objectives to determine the most appropriate treatment plan to help you achieve your desired results. Once your personalized treatment plan has been developed, we will provide you with cost estimates. At Rao Plastic Surgery, we offer various payment options, and we can also provide information about low-interest financing to make CoolSculpting more affordable.

Will I have visible scarring?

Coolsculpting is noninvasive, meaning there are no incisions. As a result there will be no visible scars.

Do the fat cells grow back after CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting eliminates fat cells from the treated area. Once these cells are removed, they are gone for good. . However, if you gain a significant amount of weight following CoolSculpting, the remaining fat cells in your can expand, resulting in an increase in the size of the treated area. To maintain your results, Dr. Rao recommends being at a healthy weight before undergoing CoolSculpting, which can be easier to maintain with regular exercise and a healthy diet.

What is the difference between CoolSculpting and Kybella injections?

Kybella is a minimally invasive treatment that targets small to moderate amounts of fat in the submental (under the chin) area. This can be effective if you have upper neck fat creating the appearance of a double chin. However, for larger fat removal from multiple areas, CoolSculpting is a more suitable option. During your consultation, Dr. Rao will listen to your goals and discuss your options, including Kybella and CoolSculpting.

Should I get a neck lift or CoolSculpting?

Dr. Rao will assess your needs and goals during your consultation to determine whether you require a neck lift, CoolSculpting, or a combination of both. In general, a neck lift addresses excess skin, while CoolSculpting targets fat. Combining these procedures can yield beautiful results, creating a smooth and even neckline. Discuss your goals with Dr. Rao during your consultation to create a customized treatment plan.

Experience the Confidence-Boosting Benefits of CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting offers an effective method for eliminating stubborn fat, reshaping your neck, and achieving a more desirable appearance. At Rao Plastic Surgery, we are dedicated to helping our Tucson, AZ patients regain confidence in their appearance by providing high-quality cosmetic procedures. Dr. Rao is committed to personalizing every aspect of your treatment and experience at our office. To learn more about CoolSculpting or to schedule your consultation, please contact Rao Plastic Surgery today.
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